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HVAC systems and air ducts/vents are an integral part of any home or building. They provide filtered, temperature-controlled airflow to keep you cool in the summer and cozy in the winter. They’re complicated machines that, like any other appliance in your house, fall victim to...

There is nothing worse than spending valuable time and hard-earned money on a faltering HVAC system and leaky air ducts. However, you must repair damages quickly when those issues arise. Many people turn to at-home solutions that seem appealing at first but come with many...

Thanks to the long dry seasons and intense, icy winters of the Sooner State, HVAC systems in Oklahoma face many issues throughout the year. These systems work overtime constantly to combat inclement weather. And often, systems falter without you knowing. Keeping your vents and ducts...

Every homeowner knows the importance of having quality air ducts and vents in the home. Homeowners also know the pesky obstacle of maintaining these features when problems arise. To catch issues before they worsen, check out how to inspect your air ducts and vents for...

Your ductwork is supposed to help heated and cooled air travel around your home. But sometimes, critters decide to use these intricate passageways as their own personal transit system. Have you been hearing inexplicable noises that seem to originate from your vents? It could be...

Dryers are a crucial part of our everyday lives. There is something magical about throwing your clothes into a machine and having them come out clean and dry less than an hour later. Unfortunately, we tend to take our dryers for granted until they break and...

Floods are devastating. You and your family just made it through a nerve-racking experience, and to make it worse, your home and personal possessions are soaked. Navigating the period after a flood can be difficult and confusing, but by taking the necessary steps, you can...

Have an HVAC system that’s not doing a great job of keeping your home cool or warm? Most people assume that cooling or heating problems are byproducts of faulty furnaces or air conditioners, but the real issue could be with the air ducts. You can...